Wonder Day 11.5.14 - Georgi Starz

I believe the most major change that I have made is to consciously welcome gratitude into my life. This has come about by two significant events: while riding a motorcycle I was hit by a truck and taken via Flight for Life to a trauma center with a broken neck, a fractured arm, leg, pelvis, ribs, and internal injuries. The second event occurred 7 months later when my son was killed in a blizzard that involved 24 vehicles. I am eternally grateful that these two traumatic events have led me on a path of spiritual awakening, compassion, and certainly being present in the moment. I practice yoga and meditation daily and have been attuned to Reiki Master so that I may in turn do my part in making the world a better place. I am grateful for this opportunity! 

Georgi Starz - Owner/CEO Camp Nicolet, Eagle River, Wisconsin. 
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Image credit: Georgi Starz