I want to honor and accept who I am at my core. When no one is looking and I am alone.
I want to accept that at times I am selfish and self-centered. That I am allowed to love myself more than others.
I want to quiet my monkey mind and live in a peaceful surrounding.
I want to let go of my attachment to physical items.
I want to live more by possessing less.
I want to let go of judgment of myself and others.
I want a peaceful heart and soul.
I want to stop telling myself stories that are not true about myself, my children, their father, other men, and my family.
I want to accept that I am perfect just as I am in this moment.
I will create a routine that works for me.
I will let go of the physical items that weigh me down and do not bring joy. This weekend I will take time for me and clean out to make room. I will address my fears of an unhealthy attachment to physical items and through negative beliefs.
I will sleep more.
I will work more wisely and establish a routine that honors my needs.
I will eat and honor my body and soul.
I will create a routine that includes meditation, reading, and journaling.
I will invite my HP to guide my life and let go of my ego and agenda. - anonymous, from an adult workshop