When I was little I was the only girl in my family. I have two big brothers, but now I have a little sister. My brothers and I always argued and yelled and fought each other. I would cry because they hit me all the time. I had no one to play with but my Barbies and my dog. I was most happy when I played with my toys and my dog. I love animals. But when I played with my Barbies, it was like I was in my own little world, a fantasy world. I would play with them for hours non-stop. But lucky for me I have a big family. So when my cousins came over they would play with me. We played with Barbies all the time and...and dress them up. But now that we have grown up, me and my brothers don't fight. I have learned that my brothers would hit me for a reason. I would get on their nerves and mess with them so they would hit me for a reason. I'm kind of happy they hit me because it made me stronger, not a weak girl. Now that me and my brothers are teenagers, we have grown close because we don't fight, we love each other so much. We would die for each other. So now I know that my brothers made me what I am now and I love them. Family is everything. (OTF) I love my family to death. - middle school student, NC