Wonder Day 1.5.15 - Janice Mattina

You asked me to write for your blog with the caveat that I was an inspiring person. Of course as a long-standing friend you would think that. So it started me thinking what makes an inspiring person and where does change come into that?

Some people lead the crowd, others follow, and some just muddle along. I am of the last variety. I am not interested in examining life, I am just interested in experiencing it without judgment. I simply want to know what it means to be fully human. And for me it includes muddling along.

Change happens to all of us. Some may think they are directing it but I think it directs us. It is something that happens to us. Maybe we do become aware it's coming and we get ready for it, but mostly it just comes as a surprise and we respond, react or ignore it. And it is this response that causes us to feel we are directing it when really in reality we are answering it in some way.

So I am frequently being called to change. And since part of being human is to be faced by change, I respond in some way to it.  And my engagement with change is called becoming more of myself. I am forever in the stage of becoming more of myself. Change is a human experience that not only causes us to become more of who we are but it also affords us the opportunity of knowing ourselves as no one else can. And all we can know of this power of change is that it's coming to us. What we do with its call depends on who we are and who we are is what we find out as we continue to become our fully human selves.

Image Credit: Janice Mattina with two of her grandchildren