love books. Just as traveling to a different country in the world brings its
inherent wisdom, I believe there is knowledge to be gained from reading
any book.
read a book that took place during the Victorian Era about a lost poet who was
in the process of re-purposing his life to exact revenge on his adulterous
wife. Entertaining read, but there is a chapter title that has always stuck
with me and has greatly influenced how I live my life:
Omnia Mutantuar. Everything
life, there are many things that you have the power of control over, but also,
at the same time, many facets that are far beyond your reach. You cannot expect
to be the same person or re boot relationships to where they were in the past.
Everything changes. Life is a river and while we may at times try to swim
upstream, we need to accept that fact that we are in constant motion and
everything around us is shifting, teeming, contracting, morphing and becoming
something new. Acceptance is not something that is easy, but by learning to
accept this notion of perpetual deviation, I have learned how to be happier
with not just the choices within my control, but more importantly how to
happily digest events that are occurring around me. I guess you could say it is
learning how to control the uncontrollable. Or at least, accepting that it is
not something that can be controlled and just sitting back and admiring the
beauty that always accompanies the unexpected.
Image credit - snake shedding skin to grow