I want to stop putting so much pressure on myself to be perfect, and always worrying about things. I'm always stressed, and I can't focus on what's important: my happiness.
I need to stop thinking about what my parents did, and if I'm going to get into college/signed, and how my life is going to turn out. The people around me should not influence my life and who I am as a person/how I live.
I will do this by keeping my stress levels down and just focusing on me. The mantra "Imma do me" will be how I have my outlook on life. I will be (insert name here) and not worry about anyone else, and not put so much pressure on myself to be perfect. (I totally did not mean to/realize that I was repeating verbatim my first sentence.) Also, I am going to be confident and proud of my freakishly long legs! And make choices for ME, not anyone else. - high school student, Florida