Wonder Day 2.20.15 - Suzanne McRae

The change I wish to make in my life is to free myself of what doesn't belong to me or that may be blocking my spiritual evolution.

I want to be free of all the beliefs that I thought were mine but that aren't...

I want to free myself of needing to fix anything or anyone (big one for me)...

I want to unleash the pure essence of my soul and connect that somehow with this human experience I am living and experiencing in this lifetime.

So yep, I'm trying to find myself... or maybe I should say I am finding myself. I have been taking those steps now for more than a decade. At times it feels like I have been neck deep in a pile of darkness like I have this past year. But right now I am just awakening again, and beginning to see that phase of my journey a bit differently. I'm gaining clarity and the pain is dissolving. All this is helping me reconnect in an ever more profound way to that part of me that I wish to connect with, that place that I wish to live my life from.

I realize that I'm not all of these challenges, drama, and chaos that my life has made me believe that I was.

I am not all this shame and guilt that I have carried probably all of my life.

I really wish to transform that energy from those experiences into something incredibly positive that will make a more positive difference in my life, and maybe even in the lives of others I may meet along the way on this journey through life.