Wonder Day 2.13.15 - Gaye Guyton

A month or two ago, as the days got shorter and darker, and I began leaving for work each morning in the dark, something dawned on me.  The only difference between the days I’d get up in the dark for work and the days I’d get up in the dark for a special event, like going on vacation, was my level of energy.

During the work week, I’d often rise with a feeling of weariness, yet I remembered rising even earlier to catch a plane for a vacation and, brushing tiredness aside, would eagerly jump out of bed at the sound of the alarm to greet the day. The difference was my expectancy of how that day would unfold:  new adventures, time with family and friends, and a sense of wonder and curiosity. What if I could bring that same sense of expectancy to my everyday life and not just save it for special occasions?

Since then I’ve been attempting to bring this fresh expectancy to each new day.  Although outwardly I’m still getting up in the dark, the energy I’m able to bring to each day is completely different. I look at each situation that presents itself with new eyes, I feel less stress and if someone needs my time, I am able to be present with them in the same way I am emotionally present with my family and friends on vacation. 

As I set my intention each morning, it works best if I can tap into the same energy of expectation I felt on a special day that held Wonder and Joy for me. I find, once I shift into the energy of EXPECTANCY, the entire day unfolds in a whole new way.

Image credit:  Gaye Guyton.  This picture is from the first vacation my daughter and I took together.