Wonder Day 2.10.15 - Paula Hutchinson

The one thing that has shaped me the most is choosing to practice gratitude on a daily basis.  Every time I express my gratitude, I feel moved by the act of sharing my appreciation of the gifts in my life.  It is amazing that when my heart is full my expression of gratitude for that goodness amplifies into joy.

Equally astounding is that the act of finding something to be grateful for can turn my sour mood around.  The gratitude expressions themselves don’t even need to be anything special.  In fact, when I’m out of sorts, my gratitude litany has included fairly grumpy gratitudes. For example, I’m grateful I don’t have to spend my whole day doing the horrible rotten thing I’m doing in this moment.

It doesn’t matter how the words sound.  It matters that I express my gratitude and that I recognize some element of positive energy and goodness at work in my life.  Whether written or verbal, private or shared, gratitude always changes me for the better.

Paula Hutchinson