I'm working with this feeling of change. I think it's a
change to how I approach life in general, like I've conquered some important
things and that's freeing me up to move on. If I change my perspective
everything changes at once. Scary,
but exciting.
3/16/2014 9:14 PM
I use to resent people and their actions towards me.
Thinking that they shouldn't be or think that way. I chose to take care of me
by realizing we all have rights to think and say what we want. Just because
someone says or believes something about me doesn't make it true nor do I need
to try to prove them wrong or change their mind. I pause, breathe, check in
with myself and live life. I am free to be me and I accept that I am the
perfect me which is perfectly imperfect.
3/16/2014 5:07 PM
A new-to-me positive change: Believing in myself and my
3/15/2014 2:15 PM
I changed my breakfast. I replaced eggs, bacon and grits
for green smoothies (kale, cucumber, juice, celery, apple, spinach). I bought a
blender. Making the smoothie is easy.
3/9/2014 2:59 PM